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No New Posts Bergastun's Farm

Far South of the forest, amongst the plains where, with the exception of some reasonably sized gatherings of trees, the land is simply plains, hills and bodies of water. As the soil became infertile in an unlucky farmers land, he decided to move his family far off into a secluded, wild area where the erath would be full of nutrients. The Burgastuns have built a comfortable home suited with pastures, barns, coops and sheds; they grow both crops and livestock. There you would fine cattle, horses, sheep, and chicken. Be very cautious when nosing around these parts however; curiousity didn't just kill the cat!

Moderators: Kairis, ☾LUNA!☽

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No New Posts The Bergastun's Crop Field

Here is were the Bergastun's tend to their crops. It's easy to find small prey like unexpecting crows, rabbits, mice, cats and many other small morsels of food here, but it's certainly not risk-free - be sure to stay well-hidden amongst the large corn stocks or other various crops, or risk your pelt - both the farmer, his dog and his gun are always on full alert.

Moderators: Kairis, ☾LUNA!☽

1 7 The Inevitable
by ✮ErInJaN✮
Mar 13, 2011 1:50:57 GMT -5
No New Posts The Bergastun's Sheep Field

The Burgastun's sheep field. The Burgastuns, believing the land is purely innocent, built a simple, wooden fence that stand about three feet at the top of the poles. It would be simple for any creature to slink through, but recieving a bounty is no easy task - The Bergastun's sheepdog, Maggie, watches each sheep day and night and protects them with extreme care. Pick your battles with her wisely.

Moderators: Kairis, ☾LUNA!☽

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No New Posts Little Butte

Nearing the end of the Bergastun's land, the Little Butte is surrounding by open land, littered with bushes, rocks and lush grass. However, at the base of the protruding piece of land gathers many trees, and at the very top is an oddly placed boulder. The entire butte is littered with boulders ranging from large to big. It's a great area with lots of rabbits, rodents and coyotes, to be easily populated by predators, but the butte is still in the farmer's land, so with food and a good view comes danger, always.

Moderators: Kairis, ☾LUNA!☽

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The den of the humans

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling Meet the Dogs
☾LUNA!☽ 1 134 by ☾LUNA!☽
Feb 27, 2011 18:19:34 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Risks
☾LUNA!☽ 0 131 by ☾LUNA!☽
Feb 21, 2011 16:08:59 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Human Rules
☾LUNA!☽ 0 138 by ☾LUNA!☽
Feb 21, 2011 15:55:25 GMT -5


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The den of the humans
Almost pure stupidity to wander into these lands that are inhabited by humans. It goes against every wolf like instinct to stay safe and hidden. In here you will find their crop fields and cow and sheep pastures. The animals are guarded by a NPC sheep dog. This sheep dog will be played by the staff, same with the humans. Dont even bother hunting the horses because they are kept in the barns with the working dogs or in the fields close to the house. Not to mention that unlike deer, the horses will team up to kill a wolf that threatens their herd.
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